Content Strategy vs Content Strategy

Content Strategy vs Content Strategy

Content Strategy vs Content Strategy Content strategy is a vital part of any business, and it involves planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable, and effective content about a particular topic or set of topics. There are two main areas that businesses focus on when it comes to content strategy, namely marketing…

Deeper content automation via Feedly and

If you recall my previous post on using and BufferApp to automate and time shift twitter posts, as well as my post on auto-emailing yourself articles, you’ll know I’m a big fan of and all it can do to help you automate content posting thereby reducing administrative overhead. Today’s post is no…

My top 5 strengths; Or, how this was a different post until I went to write it

My top 5 strengths; Or, how this was a different post until I went to write it

My top 5 strengths; Or, how this was a completely different post until I went to write it Command and control attitudes and strategies don’t help protect you or you company. Instead they produce pain and frustration between your employees and clients, often to the point of causing them to simply give up and abandon…