A business ethos that transcends industry

A business ethos that transcends industry

A business ethos that transcends industry I was recently listening to a podcast via Bet On You in which my friend Ted Pappas was interviewed about  Big Bottom Whiskey and what inspired him to start the business. In this 45 minute conversation (it’s an interview but has a deep conversational tone that Ted cultivates well), he…

Working Outside the Inbox- A presentation

Working Outside the Inbox- A presentation

Working Outside the Inbox- A presentation You’ve heard me talk about it before, how my colleague Kelly and I have been working towards inboxes of fewer and fewer emails. Following is a Slideshare presentation I built along with Kelly based on our prior blog posts to help evangelize the concept and distill the content into…

Working outside the inbox- Stubbed my toe on a metrics table

Working outside the inbox- Stubbed my toe on a metrics table

Working outside the inbox- Stubbed my toe on a metrics table Coming in to week ten and I’m still going strong, though not for the lack of some stumbling blocks along the way. Change is hard, after all, but none of my troubles were unexpected, nor that great of a hurdle. Really, all the “troubles”…