In building out some year-end blog posts for my day job on Notes from Rational support, I realized how some of my thought-leadership focused posts were maintaining some nice traction. While I’ve missed a few months of posting here I thought I might collect some of those top-viewed posts to highlight, if for nothing else than posterity showing part of what I’ve been able to accomplish on NFRS (now the #2 most viewed blog on developerWorks and over 12.5 million views to date). Here’s the top 16 of my op-ed/thought leadership posts in descending order of most viewed:
- How to reduce meetings and influence people…
- Working Outside the Inbox: Those pesky status updates
- Think Friday: YOU are a community manager
- Working Outside the Inbox, Step 3: Move conversations to the right home!
- Working Outside the Inbox: Returning from vacation
- On communities and connections
- Working Outside the Inbox: Put your Inbox in the upstairs bathroom
- On personal digital eminence
- A milestone: Lessons learned co-hosting a biweekly call for 3 years
- From social media to Social CRM
- Think Friday: On Influence
- Think Friday: The fear of saying the wrong thing
- Think Friday: Taking the time to be innovative
- Think Friday: Hiring ducks and eagles helps build a social business
- Think Friday: On being a better citizen of the Internet
- Working Outside the Inbox: Think Friday- A WOTI recap
Of course some of these posts are re-purposed and published from this blog as a test bed for some of my ideas around social business. Of course I’ve a lot more where those came from, which you can read by browsing through the social business category here.
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